Bohn, Martin; Hetsch, Klaus: Einführung in das funktionsorientierte Toleranzdesign, in: Maßhaltige Kunststoff-Formteile – Toleranzen und Formteilengineering, ISBN: 978-3-446-44883-4, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG München, 2019
Vorträge und Journals
- Engelke, Thorsten; Bohn, Martin: Allgemeintoleranzen ganz allgemein, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2024
- Schönberg, Beata; Bohn, Martin: SIM-Ein ISO GPS Tool für besondere Fälle, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2024
- Gröger, Sophie ; Bohn, Martin: Wie soll das funktionieren? – Die Integration des ISO GPS-Systems in Ausbildung, Studium und Weiterbildung, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2023
- Schönberg, Beata; Bohn, Martin: Vereinigung von Geometrieelementen und kombinierte Toleranzzone, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2023
- Bohn, Martin; Klöden, Rolf: Funktionsorientierte ISO-GPS Tolerierung und Verifikation nach nicht eindeutigen Anwendungsnormen am Beispiel der Medizintechnik, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2022
- Bohn, Martin: Vorgehensweise zur Tolerierung, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2021
- Bohn, Martin: Profiltolerierung einmal anders -Anspruchsvolle Anwendungen von Profiltoleranzen in der Blechverarbeitung, insbesondere im Karosseriebau, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2019
- Bohn, Martin: Anwendung der DIN ISO 20457 – Kunststoff Formteile Toleranzen und Abnahmebedingungen, Hochschule Niederrhein, 2019
- Zheng, Hanchen; Litwa, Frank; Reese, Benjamin; Li, Chenyang; Bohn, Martin; Paetzold, Kristin: A Modeling Approach for Elastic Tolerance Simulation of the Body in White Hang-On Parts, Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2019, pp. 3461-3470
- Bohn, Martin: Die neue Allgemeintoleranznorm für Kunststoffformteile -ISO 20457, GPS News Meeting, Chemnitz 2018
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin; Peters, Steven; Heisel, Uwe: Complementing and enhancing definitions of position tolerance for a real point based on ISO Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS), CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 22, August 2018, Pages 107-110
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin: Complements and Enhancements of Position Tolerance for Axis and Derived Line Imposed by ISO Standards, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 7, No. 2, March 2018
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin: Complementing and enhancing definitions of line profile composite tolerance imposed by ISO geometrical product specification, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, page 74-84, 2018
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin: Limitations in Primary Datum Plane Establishment Imposed by ISO Standard and a Proposal for an Improved Methodology, Procedia CIRP Volume 67, Pages 488-492, 2018
- Bohn, Martin: Bezüge und Toleranzen – Spannungsfeld Norm und reale Anwendung, Sächsisches Oberflächenkolloquium, Chemnitz, 2017
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin: Enhanced definition and required examples of common datum imposed by ISO standard, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 282 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/282/1/012016, 2017
- Yan, Yiqing; Bohn, Martin: Limitations of notation system in centered part alignment accuracy imposed by ISO standard and proposal for an improved methodology, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 2, page 90-101, 2017
- Litwa, Frank; Gottwald, Martin; Bohn, Martin; Klinger, Julius Friedrich; Walter, Michael; Wartzack, Sandro; Vielhaber, Michael: Automated point-based tolerance analysis model creation for sheet metal parts, Procedia CIRP Volume 27, 2015, Pages 65-70, Elsevier, 2015
- Beckmann, Anke; Bohn, Martin; Gust, Peter: Tolerance Simulation in the Assembling Process Based on Experimental Data from Series Production¸ Procedia CIRP Volume 27, 2015, Pages 35-40
- Klinger, Julius Friedrich; Bohn, Martin; Litwa, Frank: Adaptive modeling of non-rigid assembly orientation processes in a statistical CAT simulation, Procedia CIRP Volume 27, 2015, Pages 71-76, Elsevier, 2015
- Litwa, Frank; Gerlach, Christian; Gottwald, Martin; Bohn, Martin; Krass, Benedikt; Vielhaber, Michael, Approach for a Standardized Database Regarding Tolerance Analysis in Automotive Industry, DS 81: Proceedings of NordDesign 2014
- Klinger, Julius Friedrich; Litwa, Frank; Bohn, Martin; Constantinescu, Carmen: Valuable use-cases towards a generic model of geo-station welding, Procedia CIRP Volume 25, 2014, Pages 81-85, Elsevier, 2014
- Klinger, Julius Friedrich; Bohn, Martin: Predicting dimensional deviations of structural vehicle body parts deep drawn from aluminum blanks, Procedia CIRP Volume 7, 2013, Pages 353-358, Elsevier, 2013
- Steinle, Phillip; Bohn, Martin: Dimensional stability and variance of carbon fiber reinforced plastics–current state and necessary future developments, Procedia CIRP, Volume 10, 2013, Pages 283-286, 2013 – Elsevier
- Bohn, Martin; Wuttke, Fabian: Influence of Tolerances on Mechatronic Comfort Systems Behavior, in: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 104, pp. 75-82, 2012
- Steinle, Phillip; Bohn, Martin: An Approach of Design Methodology and Tolerance Optimization in the Early Development Stage to Achieve Robust Systems, in: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 104, pp. 67-71, 2012
- Bohn, Martin et al.: Early Stage Geometrical Deviation Optimization – An Automotive Example for Sheet Metal Parts, in: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 104, pp. 95-101, 2012
- Wuttke, Fabian; Bohn, Martin; Suyam-Welakwe, Nick-Ange: Robustness of Inventive Design Solutions-Transferring the Robust Design Focus from Production Process to Development Process; Interdisciplinary Design: Proceedings of the 21st CIRP Design Conference; 2011
- Wuttke, Fabian; Feustel, Florian; Bohn, Martin; Csernak, Steffen; Bohn, Andrea; Early Robustness Optimization of Automotive Modules – Regarding the Key Impact of the Human Factor; DS 68-9: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 11), Impacting Society through Engineering Design, Vol. 9: Design Methods and Tools pt. 1, Lyngby/Copenhagen, Denmark, 15.-19.08.2011; Page(s): 275-284
- Wuttke, Fabian; Bohn, Martin; Suyam-Welakwe, Nick-Ange: Early Robust Design Approach for Accelerated Automotive Innovation Processes; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; ISBN 978-3-642-22182-8; 2011
Bohn, Martin: Toleranzmanagement im Entwicklungsprozess, wkb, Universität Karlsruhe, Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Spath, 1998